Stability Vs Resiliency

As Simon Sinek puts it…

“A company built for resilience is a company that is structured to last forever. This is different from a company built for stability.

Stability, by its very definition, is about remaining the same. A stable organization can theoretically weather a storm, then come out of it the same as it was before.

In more practical terms, when a company is described as stable, it is usually to draw a contrast to another company that is higher risk and higher performing. “Slow growth but stable,” so goes the thinking.

But a company built for stability still fails to understand the nature of the Infinite Game, for it is likely still not prepared for the unpredictable—for the new technology, new competitor, market shift or world events that can, in an instant, derail their strategy.”

Thank heavens TP and it’s Leadership falls under the Resiliency category. Are we perfect?of course not. Do we have all the answers? I don’t believe we do. But Resiliency will be a key component in these times and I am very confident about where we sit in that question.

Continue to stay optimistic, practice physical distancing, collaborate, cooperate and move as fast and as safely as we can, and we will get through this!


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